24.05.2018, Raiffeisen Halle am IST Austria, Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, 5:30 - 7:45 p.m.

Science Education Day: „Engage. Enrich. Evolve.“

International perspectives and exchange on a variety of topics in science education, with a focus on designing educational material and activities. Eine Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache.

DATUM: May 24th 2018
UHRZEIT: 5:30 - 7:45 p.m.
ORT: Raiffeisen Halle am IST Austria, Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg
INFO: www.ist.ac.at/edu18

Sharing the wonder and excitement of scientific discovery, the value and significance of the scientific method for modern society, and the importance and impact of scientific research for our standard of living, have become increasingly important missions for scientific institutions as they seek to reach out to schools and the general public. In addition to conducting science at a world-class level and training the next generation of scientists, IST Austria develops and organizes a portfolio of outreach activities. The Institute's first Science-Education Day, titled "Enrich. Engage. Evolve.", will provide a forum for international perspectives and exchange on a variety of topics in science education, with a focus on designing educational material and activities for children and teenagers and working effectively with teachers.

We are looking forward to welcome teachers, pedagogues, scientists, science communicators, members of public authorities, educational and research institutions, universities and everybody else interested in Science Education! The program includes keynotes by Liat Ben David, Davidson Institute for Science Education of the Weizmann Institute and Michele Weber, Luxembourg National Research Fund as well as presentations of best practices such as "Mathematik macht Freu(n)de", Teach for Austria, IST Austria outreach activities and more.

A free shuttle bus is provided from Schwedenplatz night bus stop (directly opposite Twin City Liner station) at 04:30 pm or alternatively at 04:45 pm from U4 Heiligenstadt Boschstraße.

Details HERE
Registration HERE (please register by May 16, 2018)